Dr. Aleksander Filip Furmanek Architect
- a u t h o r o f t h e w e b s i t e -
in the courtyard of the main building of the Warsaw University of Technology
full-time doctoral studies and doctorate - academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
scientific discipline: architecture and urban planning
- Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
PhD. thesis Architect's ethical responsibility in the field of tangible cultural heritage in Poland (in Polish, (electronic version is available at a website repo.bg.pw.edu.pl)
complementary education - Postgraduate Studies Monuments Architectural Heritage and Conservation
- Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Faculty of Fine Arts
higher technical education - master's degree
title: M.Sc. Eng. in Architecture
faculty: architecture and urban planning
- Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
higher technical extramural studies - engineer's degree
title: Eng. in Civil Engineering
specialization: building and engineering constructions specjalność: konstrukcje budowlane i inżynierskie
- Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architectureand Environmental Engineering
Qualifications and work experience
architect's licence for unlimited design for the construction industry - Kujawsko-Pomorskie District Chamber of Architects
Architectural and construction design
since 2005:
comprehensive construction design by own architectural studio
Biuro Projektowe - Furmanek Aleksander; mostly multi-family residential development, public and commercial buildings (also located in old urban fabric with protection of historic monuments)
design cooperation with a few architectural firms from Torun (projects: historical, industrial, commercial, public and other buildings)
Architectural concepts
since 2001:
preparing several dozen of architectural concepts for different building developments - beginning from small one-family houses, through educational, commercial and industrial objects, up to multi-functional complexes
Property condition surveys
Strumykowa street in Torun - southwest side illustration
the dormitory of Grammar School, location - Kosciuszki street in Ciechocinek
an apartment house, localization - 18, Tumska street in Chelmza
a military kindergarten with supporting buildings, location at 19, Wola Zamkowa street in Torun
inventory drawings of the theatre building "Baj Pomorski", which is located at 9, Piernikarska street in Torun
residential building, localization at 22, Wały Gen. Sikorskiego in Torun
an apartment house, location - 8, Mostowa street in Torun
Site experience
since 2005:
design supervision during realizations of buildings, which were designed by Biuro Projektowe - Furmanek Aleksander (photography - multifamily development complex, location - Zbozowa
working as a site engineer in a company "MARBUD" Sp. z o.o. (Ltd.) at different construction sites of some residential (one-family houses and multifamily dwellings), public (school) and commercial buildings (shopping pavilion) located in Torun and neighbouring areas
2005-2009: verifications of prepared documentations (checking the conformity with the building regulations)
2005-2006: preparing a few functional programs (educational and residential buildings) for The City Office of Torun
2004: (photography) taking part in a competition for architectural conception of flower shops at the Old Square in Torun
Scholar work
since 2014: UTP University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture
- academic teacher
WSG University of Economy in Bydgoszcz
- academic teacher
Leading (together with Wojciech Giżycki, lawyer) Workshops for Disciplinary District Courts of the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland in Warsaw in June 22, 2017
Furmanek A. F., Przesłanki wykorzystania techniki druku przestrzennego przy rekonstrukcji dzieł sztuki, [in:] J. Flizikowski (ed.), Integracja sztuki i techniki w architekturze i urbanistyce, tom III, Wydawnictwa Uczelniane Uniwersytetu Technologiczno-Przyrodniczego w Bydgoszczy, Bydgoszcz 2015
Furmanek A. F., Odpowiedzialność w zawodzie architekta a miasto historyczne – wybrane problemy na przykładzie Torunia, [in:] K. Guranowska-Gruszecka (ed.), Miasto zwarte miasto rozproszone. Materiały ogólnopolskiej konferencji Doktorantów Wydziałów Architektury. Warszawa, 4-5 listopada 2011, Wydział Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2011.
Member of the Disciplinary District Court – in the years 2006÷2010
Deputy District Commissioner of Professional Responsibility – in the years 2010÷2014
Secretary of the Disciplinary District Court – in the years 2014÷2016
Delegate to the conventions of KPOIA RP – since March 2014
Chairman of the committee for copyright law – in the years 2014÷2018
Member of the team for practicing the architect's profession (operating at National Council of Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland) – in the years 2015÷2018
Member of the National Disciplinary Court – since December 2016
Member of the Branch Board – in the years 2003÷2009
Member of the Court of Arbitration – in the years 2009÷2012
Chairman of the Court of Arbitration – in the years 2015÷2019
Vice-chairman of the Court of Arbitration – since 2019
Badge of Honour of the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland - 1st Degree – March 27, 2010
Honorable mention in the "Object of the Year - 2011-2012 Edition" (in the category of "public utility objects"), the competition organized by the City of Torun, for the Dialogue Centre building, which is located at pl. Bl. Ks. Phm. S. Frelichowskiego 1 in Torun
Badge of Honour of the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland - 2nd Degree – June 2, 2017
Honorable mention of SARP - 3rd Degree – December 16, 2019